Cibses - shown on a map of 1875 as "Sibbs Farm" - is tucked away in the middle of the countryside and can be reached in two ways - by a lane from the Shermanbury- Henfield road, or from a footpath which leads from the old railway line ("Downs link") past Great Betley and Little Betley. The 1841 occupant of "Sibbs" was 68-year old agricultural labourer William Woolgar. In 1851, "Sybses" was occupied by agricultural labourer Peter Knights. Henry Parsons,a 41-year old agricultural labourer, lived there in 1871 with his wife Caroline and their two sons. In 1881 the occupier was 45-year old Walter Turrell, an agricultural labourer, his wife Ann (formerly Botting) and their three children. In 1891 the occupant of "Cybses" was labourer William Slaughter from Beeding, wife Mary and their six sons. Coincidentally, Bottings Farm is the next building along the footpath from Cibses.
Cibses: The front of the house in 2005.
Cibses: The front of the house in 2005.