CHURCH TERRace & church walk
Walking up Church Street on the left-hand side and before you come to Church Lane, you see the Coronation oak on Pinchnose Green. To the left of the Green and next to the Cat House, Church Terrace joins Church Walk.
Church Terrace 1: The terrace is a narrow path leading up from the Cat House to the churchyard, with a row of terraced houses on the right-hand side. This view is from the churchyard gate, looking down the terrace with the houses on the left. You can just see the thatch of the Cat House at the bottom of the path.
Church Terrace 2: This photo shows the view looking up the terrace from the bottom, with the churchyard at the top of the picture.
Church Terrace 3: Looking down the terrace to the Cat House from the top of the terrace.
Church Walk: Turn left at the bottom of Church Terrace, with the the Cat House behind you, and you're in Church Walk. The pink magnolia blossom is in the garden of St. Peter's Cottage, and the timbered house at the end of Church Walk is the Reeve House.
Church Terrace: A black & white photo from 1966.
Church Terrace: A similar view to that in Church Terrace 3 above - taken in late April 2016.
1 Church Terrace: A photo of No. 1 from January 2017, taken from the churchyard gate.
1 Church Terrace: Another photo of no.1, with a "For Sale" sign. A photo taken in mid-March 2017.
Church Terrace: An unusual view of the terrace, taken from the back garden of St. Peter's Cottage in early August 2017. The Cat House is at the extreme right of the photo.
Church Walk: A view down Church Walk from the Cat House, with the Reeve House at the far end. Early August 2020.
Church Terrace 1: The terrace is a narrow path leading up from the Cat House to the churchyard, with a row of terraced houses on the right-hand side. This view is from the churchyard gate, looking down the terrace with the houses on the left. You can just see the thatch of the Cat House at the bottom of the path.
Church Terrace 2: This photo shows the view looking up the terrace from the bottom, with the churchyard at the top of the picture.
Church Terrace 3: Looking down the terrace to the Cat House from the top of the terrace.
Church Walk: Turn left at the bottom of Church Terrace, with the the Cat House behind you, and you're in Church Walk. The pink magnolia blossom is in the garden of St. Peter's Cottage, and the timbered house at the end of Church Walk is the Reeve House.
Church Terrace: A black & white photo from 1966.
Church Terrace: A similar view to that in Church Terrace 3 above - taken in late April 2016.
1 Church Terrace: A photo of No. 1 from January 2017, taken from the churchyard gate.
1 Church Terrace: Another photo of no.1, with a "For Sale" sign. A photo taken in mid-March 2017.
Church Terrace: An unusual view of the terrace, taken from the back garden of St. Peter's Cottage in early August 2017. The Cat House is at the extreme right of the photo.
Church Walk: A view down Church Walk from the Cat House, with the Reeve House at the far end. Early August 2020.