Miscellany 1 - notes - photos 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10
Snowy winter: This and other photos in this section are stills from 8mm cine film shot in Henfield by Jack Wickham. The winter of 1967/68 in Sussex was one of the worst in living memory, with drifts lasting into May of 1968, and this clip shows a builders lorry, with lads on the back, starting off for work on a snowy morning.
Woods Mill: Wood Mill is now part of the Sussex Wildlife Trust. In the early years of the 20th century, it was a country tea room - part of which is shown in the photograph.
Brickworks chimney: Another late 1960s 8mm film clip from the camera of Jack Wickham, showing the demolition of the brickworks chimney south of the village.
Fire engine: This is also a clip from the same late 1960s 8mm films of Henfield made by Jack Wickham. The engine is rounding the corner of Golden Square, from the fire station in the High Street south of Golden Square to the main Brighton Road.
Hot air balloon: In the summer season it's not uncommon to see a hot air balloon or two drifting across the village - like this one in the photograph. Once one came down in the field just below where this one is flying.
Penalty sign: This old sign stands at the bottom of a footpath just off the former railway line - now the Downs Link.
Woods Mill: Wood Mill is now part of the Sussex Wildlife Trust. In the early years of the 20th century, it was a country tea room - part of which is shown in the photograph.
Brickworks chimney: Another late 1960s 8mm film clip from the camera of Jack Wickham, showing the demolition of the brickworks chimney south of the village.
Fire engine: This is also a clip from the same late 1960s 8mm films of Henfield made by Jack Wickham. The engine is rounding the corner of Golden Square, from the fire station in the High Street south of Golden Square to the main Brighton Road.
Hot air balloon: In the summer season it's not uncommon to see a hot air balloon or two drifting across the village - like this one in the photograph. Once one came down in the field just below where this one is flying.
Penalty sign: This old sign stands at the bottom of a footpath just off the former railway line - now the Downs Link.